Duncan Lake Trail Extension

This project includes an 8ft-wide concrete pathway, which extends the current walking trail at Duncan Lake to cover the backside of the 17-acre lake out to Alcorn Avenue. It also includes an archway from the Alcorn Avenue entrance.
Hours of Operation:
- During park hours, which are from dusk to dawn.
- Sunday – Saturday
The grant funding for this project was announced in September 2019, construction began September 2020 and was completed May 2021.
Total Cost: $354,900
Grant Funding: $120,000 from the MS Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
Construction: JRM McQueen and BW Sullivan
How it Started
On September 9, 2019, Mayor Toby Barker was joined by Ward 2 Councilwoman Deborah Delgado and State Representative Missy McGee to announce a $120,000 grant from the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks and Federal Highway Administration. When matched with local funding through the 1% restaurant/hotel tax, this funding allowed for the City of Hattiesburg to complete the extension of a walking trail on the backside of Duncan Lake.
This project was one of the 17 proposed under the new tax, approved by voters in April, with the opportunity to give visitors and fishermen the ability to experience new parts of the lake and further enhance an already abundant wildlife experience.
In September 2020, Mayor Barker was joined by Councilwoman Delgado and staff from Parks and Recreation to break ground on the project. Fleshed out in the concept and design phase, the project extends the current walking trail at Duncan Lake to cover the backside of the 17-acre lake, serving cyclists, walkers and joggers with an 8-foot, ADA-accessible path.
Due to the area’s delicate and species-rich environment, the trail was carefully designed to not adversely affect its sandhill ecosystem that includes rare species of birds and trees not found in other habitats. This part of the project required a 60-foot boardwalk in the middle of the trail to minimize human impact on the environment, while still giving visitors and residents an opportunity to experience the outdoors in a different way.
There are only six sandhill environments located in the State of Mississippi and only two that are housed on public lands – Duncan Lake is one of those.
“The amount of community input this project has received is the truest example of the city working with its citizens to create a recreational offering fit for its environment,” said Mayor Toby Barker. “From professors and naturalists to the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Parks and Fisheries – this trail is better because of the input provided to make it a truly unique experience for all who visit.”
The trail not only adds another amenity to the park, but it connects the trail into the East Jerusalem neighborhood and beyond. The final project bid that was accepted included an add-alternate which allows the city to continue the trail on part of the Gulfport Street roadbed – extending the trail to Alcorn Street. This provides an additional entrance to Duncan Lake, with a direct access point for the neighbors of East Jerusalem.
Additionally, with the Alcorn Street connection, this trail will also connect to the East Overpass roadway project. When all projects are complete, East Hardy Street will be connected to Duncan Lake, and eventually Chain Park along the Leaf and Bouie Rivers.
Barker added, “These connections create a true masterplan for the eastern side of Downtown Hattiesburg, and the ecotourism possibilities are endless when it relies on that kind of connectivity. All of that starts with this first trail extension.”
In May 2021, statewide delegation and staff joined Mayor Barker to cut the ribbon the long-awaited project.
“As we celebrate the opening of this trail – we look forward to what is next particularly in this East Jerusalem neighborhood. In addition to this project and a water and sewer improvement project taking place north of here, Alcorn Avenue is set to be paved this summer,” said Barker. “Today is a launching ground for future projects to build onto the completion of this one. All of this – what has happened and what will continue to happen – is your penny at work. We thank the people of Hattiesburg for making that a reality.”
The city is currently looking at ways to extend the multi-use pathway to Hall Avenue in the near future, which will ultimately connect the entire project to the pending Overpass Project and East Hardy Street.
With a total cost of $354,900, this project was primarily funded by the additional 1% restaurant and hotel/motel tax that was voted on by citizens in April of 2019. Originally projected to cost $293,067, the bid for the project included an add-alternate to extend the trail to Alcorn Avenue which provides for the extra cost. Additionally, this project received a $120,000 grant from the MS Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, championed by the city’s statewide delegation – Representatives Missy McGee (District 102) and Percy Watson (District 103).
“I’m impressed with what I have seen, and it certainly indicates what can happen when the community works together to utilize all the physical resources in our area,” said Watson. “I’ve been representing this area for many years and I commend and congratulate the mayor and his administration for the good works that have happened here. It’s important that we continue to work together to go after the resources to invest in this area.”
McGee added, “This has been a great project to watch from the ground up, Duncan Lake is a hidden treasure for Hattiesburg, and it’s such an incredible asset in the middle of our city. You can be in the middle of nature and still access all of the amenities that come with being in and around Downtown Hattiesburg.”
The ribbon-cutting marks the official opening of the trail, and it is now available for use by the public.